About The Route
Best time to Go: Weekdays from April to October
Total Distance:
110 km
Route: Starting point is the village of Lumby along Highway
6, 50°15'2.48"N 118°58'4.29"W, where highway 6 winds drivers east
through over the rocky Monashee Mountain range that separates the Okanagan
valley and the Arrow Lakes, to finishing at the ferry crossing, 49°52'27.36"N
118° 5'50.71"W.
Places To Stop: Two magnificent glaciers at either end of
the route, other than this, just enjoy the epic journey between the two.
Road Type: Rough tarmac road.
Warnings: Rough road that doesn’t really have its own
character, corners can easily be misjudged with nasty consequences. Can snow
any time of year.
During this series of great driving roads, I’ve seen my fair
share of exotic sights, strange events and odd detours, however, only in Canada
would you be turned around because of a fresh dumping of snow… in May! The road
that was supposed to be featured in this issue was to be the Crowsnest Highway
#3 between Rock Creek and Creston B.C., as part of the Kootenay Loop. However,
a thick blanket of wet snow on highway 33, just south of Kelowna, stopped me in
my tracks on the transit to Rock Creek. The winding route through the west
Kootenay Rockies would require a nimble and quick little car to negotiate, and
there is non more fun than the MINI Cooper S.
Problem was, MINI had already swapped over the cars snow
tires, for the much more fun, ultra high performance summers that come on the
from new. Being May, a prudent and responsible act. But mother nature didn’t
see things as such, and try as I might, the little Cooper S just couldn’t get
over the summit of Highway 33, with a shimmering wet track of compact snow
making any traction with summer rubber nigh on impossible.
And so, I turned the little Cooper S around and headed back
to Kelwona. Along the way, I could see that the sun was doing it’s upmost to
peek through the clouds, and that if I took a reverse route through Vernon,
then on to Nakusp via Highway 6, the snow maybe melted at the higher elevations
by the time I got there.
A spirited jog up highway 6 to Lumby B.C. and the skies were
ominous; the scenic rolling farm
lands had a healthy dusting of white, while
the clouds were low with bit of solid fog falling from the sky. Despite the
continuing threat, the layer of salt on the road was holding strong, and I made
a push for the ferry that crosses Lower Arrow Lake on the other side of the
While the biker fraternity has spoken highly of the roads in
the Kootenay region of the loop, little did I know that the northern section
was equally impressive. It wasn’t long after Lumby that the MINI was thrust up
into a winding mountain pass. The rolling farmland was swallowed up by the
rocky, rugged and pine covered mountains of the Monashee Mountain range. At
first the road meanders gently up into the range, with fast easy curves and
great scenic sights of several peaks above and a small river below. However as
the altitude rises, the road becomes much more aggressive with corners becoming
much more abrupt and the road surface begins to degrade due to the sheer
amounts of rock falls and avalanches. Not to mention each corner was blinded by
deep snow, trees or a rocky ledge; extreme concentration is needed as the
character of the road changes abruptly.
Luckily, the salt had done its job as I cresting the summit;
the road was void of the white death, and the trip down the east side of the
range was proving even more delectable. The blind corners obscured by snow and
trees on the west side climb was replaced with open curves through a rocky
landscape. With good vision, the corners could be taken at speed, putting huge
lateral and forward g-forces on the body as I left my braking as late as
possible and pitched the Cooper S into a fantastic series of downhill bends.
Likewise, the view over the surrounding mountains was nearly as spectacular as
the drive itself, but not so good as to make me want to stop for a rest, I was
having way too much fun, and the road was all but vacant of other motorists.
Crossing over the Monashee Mountain range proved to be a
pleasant surprise in a day that had started off on the wrong foot, however, to
my dismay, what layed ahead would prove to be even more enticing.
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